How AWESOME is it that a safe haven has been established for girls in Croydon London? Sherica Spence and partner have founded the Skye Alexandra House for vulnerable females and for those who have been caught up in gang violence. There has been an epidemic of gang violence in the community and mostly all preventative programs are for males only. Sherica had had enough!
Skye Alexandra House was established and currently operates off of donations along with help from the community. The house contains four bedrooms, and the girls will receive one-on-one support, counseling services and be taught independent living skills. The youth are referred there via the local social services department and must be between the ages of 16 and 18.
Read Sherica's statement below as she explains why she decided not to sit idly by but instead take action! We APPLAUD you Sherica and hope others will follow your lead!!
"I'm Sherica Spence, Founder of Skye Alexandra House. Skye Alexandra House is a 24-hour, semi-independent living service for vulnerable young women aged 16-18. We provide in-house services and community services geared toward teaching personal development/well-being, exploring identity, recognizing sexual exploitation and domestic violence, safe guarding, life skills, enterprise programs and help prepare the youth for further work and education.
Skye Alexandra House is a place where young women will live, learn and grow. I started Skye Alexandra House due to an encounter with a young lady who was living in a similar establishment. The difference with this establishment is they lacked the services and support in which the young lady needed to progress as a woman independently. Seeing the way they treated her, sparked the vision God had given me, to start Skye Alexandra House. I then realized that all of the pain I had experienced in my life from bullying, to abuse, to trying to commit suicide, and struggling with my own identity had all been for a purpose. That purpose was so that I was able to identify with the needs of the young women who would enter Skye Alexandra House.
Being a role model to my beautiful son Terrell is what drives me, along with my desire to see a positive change in today’s young women.
All I had when I began this Journey was a vision and God's word that his will was to be full filled."
For more information about Skye Alexandra House and to make donations please visit website www.skyealexandrahouse.com and like us on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/skyealexandrahouse?ref=br_tf